That's bobcat on the rock, she had the best photo by far...
Warner springs used to be known by thru hikers for its resort and hot springs, only now it's been foreclosed so all the class of 2012 gets is a post office and the community center which turned out to be great. The community center has set up a small store and serves food to hikers as a fundraiser which was a pretty fantastic way to spend a morning.
Next came the tricky part. Where to go from here? See there's this big get together at the end of April for pct thru hikers called adzpctko and it is mostly this thurs-fri at lake Morena, 20 miles from the border.
Problem is we were about 2 days earlier than planned, and over 80 miles north. Answer? Hitchhike back and take an extra few days off. Rumor had it that lots of folks would be there early and we figured a ride wouldn't be too hard to find.
We were so wrong, after 3 hours on the side of the road 6 of us were still waiting but little brown saved the day. He is a section hiker who we had spent the night with who actually hitched back, got his truck and drove all the way back to rescue us from the side if the road.
So we are back at Lake Morena until Saturday or Sunday relaxing, letting feet heal and meeting a whole mess of other hikers.
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