Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Weekend Away

Since this summer wasn't spent wandering as a homeless hiker I find myself trying to squeeze things into weekends like the rest of the 9-5 crowd (never mind that I work twelve hour nights...)
This past weekend I spent a short few days in the fog of Marin county. Always enjoyable and even more so because I got to spend some time with my lovely mother.

Foggy green tunnel at
Pt Reyes National Seashore

so many looming trees in the fog

apparently I look up at trees a lot...
and yes eucalyptus are invasive and bad
but they remind me of summer camp
and childhood and make me ever so happy

understated but swarming with butterflies
and bees, quite the sight

I officially took a zillion photos of trees and grass

Oh and did I mention the absolute best part of all this hiking? The blackberries. At least 10-20 minutes of every hour on the trail were spent braving thorns and traffic because they were so delicious. Nothing like stopping on the side of the road eating blackberries to make your day happier. Perhaps it would have been nicer (and probably safer) if the trailside bushes had been quite as abundant as the ones along the road but other than my stomachache and purple hands it was pretty brilliant.
So somehow I took zero pictures of the beach but about 15 of blackberries. I clearly have my priorities straight. And now its back to work and 90 degree days. Goodbye fog and sweater weather you will be missed.

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