Friday, April 25, 2014

Finally we went backpacking

The plan was for my two Reno friends to wake up insanely early and drive down to Marin where we would check gear, consolidate food and then head to the trail head. I had already reserved 2 campsites at Pt Reyes National Seashore for a 3 day trip through the overpriced reserve america site after much anguish about itineraries. No way was I planning ambitious mileage this time, there would be no ridiculous blisters or falling down dead tired friends, at least that was my hope. The goal was fun not scary death march, but the pressure of being in charge of every aspect of the trip was definitely getting to me.
Even knowing what I'm getting into I still get stressed and crotchety with group trips I'm in charge of. The plan was Sky Camp night one and Glen Camp night 2. Sky Camp was simple, either a really short hike or a longer loop would get us there and then there was the potential for day hikes if we got there early enough. I had a hunch that the early start was a bit of a far fetched dream. I was guessing noon would be closer to the truth and after a series of phone calls I wasn't to far off, they rolled up around 2 pm, day hiking was out but at least our campsite was close.
Gear and food and general time wasting made for an even later start but a very enjoyable loop brought us to our campsite an hour or so before sunset. Bear valley to old pine to sky trail got us a total of 5 miles and a nice shaded campsite to enjoy on our first night.

my first time attempting steam baking on the trail, a big change
from my usual stoveless peanut butter jar self. 

Day 2 had us staring at maps and debating side trips. We decided to head down the coast to eat lunch at Arch rock, then head to our campsite set up our stuff and day hike down to Alamere Falls.

Down to Coast trail

Fog cleared and a great view from Arch Rock

We had gone almost 10 miles and that last mile into camp took forever, I wasn't sure if everyone was still up for Alamere falls but after snacktime and camp setup we were back on the trail.

Our day hike had been something like a 7 mile loop and saw one of my friends limping back into camp. 2 miles of sandy beach walking hadn't agreed with her knee but after a delicious dinner cozy sleeping bags were perfect.

Day 3 was a quick 5 miles back to the trail head. Overall a pretty good trip, a few tense moments and short tempers but it really was a nice easy intro and a great way to start spring.

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