Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Day 128, Back on the trail

Daily mileage: 22
Mile 2476-2498

Back to the trail today. Our lovely trail angel Jerry Dinsmore doesn't usually give hikers rides back to the pass (its a long round trip) but we were the lucky exception. He's on his way to Cascade Locks for trail days (a PCT related festival thing). So as long as we could kill time until noon no hitching would be necessary. We managed to squeeze in more food in town and a few folks headed out even earlier but around noon at least 8 of us were back on the trail.
The valley had been full of fog but back on the pass it was all blue skies and everyone just took off. A few climbs and more amazing views. I can't believe I'm on my way to Stehekin. Very last town stop on the trail and the end is getting so close.

The trail actually went to the top of a peak, what a rarity. Such beautiful wildflowers and mountain views.

I wasn't sure how far I wanted to go but I was feeling good. Climbed up even more watching the sunset and chatting with Toast. At the top he stopped to wait for Cheese and enjoy the view while I pressed on. It was getting dark but I really wanted a bit more water so I was hiking until I found a creek regardless. There was supposed to be a campsite nearby but either the map was wrong or I passed it in the darkness. No worries, found a seasonal creek and a nice soft under a tree to protect me from the frost. Good times.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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