Monday, July 25, 2016

Day 91: Magic

7/19: Tyringham Cobble - Barton Brook
Miles: 1539.5 - 1566.2 (26.7 miles)

The whining of the mosquitos are so bad overnight I actually have to put in earplugs to cut the sound. I sleep terribly, I'm thinking to much about miles, resupply and what I'll be doing come September. I've slowed down a bit the last few stretches trying to respect what my body has been telling me. Feet, joints and shins aren't quiet when they're unhappy. I think I'm awake almost every hour and when 5am rolls around I stubbornly close my eyes trying to get even 15 more minutes. I feel exhausted when I pack up. Immediately bit by more mosquitos I'm not thrilled by my morning.

I make it the 0.5 miles to Jerusalem Rd praying the spring there is still flowing. Tired I walk the 100 yards down the road twice before realizing the water is staring me in the face. There's also a little farm stand with drinks and snacks on the honor system. I take the time to sit, drink something cold and try to reset my morning.

It helps, I climb back to the trail then head into meadows, swamp and the long climb up and away from Tyringham much happier than an hour before. The day is full of forests, ponds and surprisingly southbounders. At least I'm assuming most of them are southbounders, I barely even get a hello but overall it's a crowded day on the trail.

Ponds out here remind me more of lakes and are a nice change in scenery. I think I pass at least 3, plus a number of marshy swamps. The bugs should be terrible but while definitely still around they aren't awful and with the wind it's actually almost cool out. Granted it's still over 70, but that's becoming cool to me when looking at 90 plus on a regular basis.

With the great weather I feel like I should be cruising but the whole day feels slow. The lack of sleep is killer and tonight camped by a brook after a long day of rolling climbs, intermittent rocks and tired feet I'm honestly not sure about my plan tomorrow. There's a town in 2.5 miles, 11.5 miles and a place to stay in 20. Sleep and the body will help me decide, either way I need to resupply and I get to eat town breakfast which is pretty exciting.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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