Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Day 85: Parkview Mountain

7/15: mile 1409.7- 1433.8
Miles: 24.1
Total trip miles: 1266.8

It was cold when I first woke up and I just wanted to hide but miles call. Possible thunderstorms and a big climb mean I should get moving but I do sleep in a bit enjoying my warm sleeping bag.

Up, down and towards Parkview Mountain. The CDT signs and my GPS didn't match, I picked the GPS and headed for the top.

So much talus scrambling, but it was pretty and mostly just steep and slow.

Looking out from the top.

A storm was rolling I so I didn't hang out too long, not exactly a lot of places to hide.

I got to treeline and instead of heading back to the exposed ridge line I tried contouring just a bit lower through the trees. I'm pretty sure it cost me a boatload of time and of course it didn't rain/thunder but I did find water.

Finally back on trail. Two flip floppers showed up going southbound and I caught up with them. They had seen a ton of northbounders today, wonder who passed me while I was off track? They did say at least two others were cranky they went the rocky long way up Parkview, glad I'm not alone?

The rain finally hit with some solid lightning strikes in the distance. Atlas caught up with me while I stared at the upcoming ridge debating how exposed it was.

We headed on, the storm was moving in the opposite direction anyhow. Camped on a ridge for the first time in ages. I even saw a great sunset, a rarity these days.

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