Saturday, June 23, 2012

Day 60, So this is Carson Iceberg Wilderness

Daily mileage: 25.5
Mile 1023-1048.5
This whole morning had an odd slow vibe to it. I felt spacey the whole time, much more of a meander than a hike.
Woke up from my giant surprisingly comfy boulder and stumbled on down the trail. Walking down the canyon the trail was still shaded but surprisingly warm. All contributing to the walking through molasses sensation.
The trail kept switch backing past a cool creek, lots of mini waterfalls.

Climbing and contouring through forest with only the occasional views for quite a few miles. Then it was contouring through meadows before hitting the forest once again.

Down again on a trail full of snowmelt creeks and more meadows and forest. I managed to stand staring blankly at a raging creek (seriously it was just a creek, I was way overreacting) trying to figure out how to rock hop this thing. I am sick of having just one foot wet all day, I caved and put my crocs on only to hop across and stay bone dry. Isn't it fun making drama when there is none? Found the guys and had siesta just a little before Wolf Creek.
Then it was climbing up to the saddle above Noble Lake and down the other side.

Towards noble lake

The climb down was gorgeous, lots of volcanic rock outcroppings, ancient trees, waterfalls of snowmelt and the beginnings of a gorgeous sunset. You'll have to trust me on this one because caveman was using my phone so no photos...
One last surprise climb up and we are all tucked in ready for tomorrow.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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