Sunday, August 9, 2015

Day 102:

8/1: mile 1827.8-pole creek alternate/Pinedale
Miles: 20?
Total trip miles: 1652.2

Neither of us slept very well, it was windy and I think we were both pretty excited about town. Since we were up we figured why not and headed out.

It was pretty cold and windy and the few small climbs felt a whole lot longer.

We were happily surprised to find this beautiful basin. After a useless bit of a circle we ended up on the pole creek trail. According to our map in about 10 miles we would finally be at a trailhead and a hitch to Pinedale.

Marshes and mosquitoes but at least we were supposedly getting somewhere. I was cranky because of how slow it was going and when we found a weekender I was even more beaten down when he told us it wasn't a 10 mile side trail but at least 13. I'm used to the naps being off but I was hoping today wasn't going to be one of those days. It was hot and muggy and we just kept hoping we were closer. The tourists were multiplying which had to mean we were close right? This was a good lesson on how much I hate when I'm off the map.

Cheerful aren't I? We're super close but I'm beyond beat. 3 unanticipated miles are killer. We chat with day hikers and get offered a ride. We kill maybe an hour at the trailhead before they meet us and we're on our way.

I've been pretty much out of food all morning so that's our first stop. Disoriented and overwhelmed by town at least we have food.

We sit for a few hours in front of the library using wifi and Rest Stop finds us. A local tells us we can stay in the nursery at the local church and after dinner we do just that. Go Pinedale go!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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