Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Day 95: into the Basin

7/25: mile 1637.7-1667.4
Miles: 29.7
Total trip miles: 1474.7

Dan was up and out by 6, Rest Stop and I did eventually drag ourselves out of our bags. What a treat, cowboy camping and waking up to dry bags.

Wyoming is the least populated state in the nation and the basin is the least populated place in Wyoming, hello 100 plus miles of desert. Dirt roads led to cross country across the sagebrush following carsonite posts. I feel a bit like I'm back in New Mexico, dodging prickly pear cactus, climbing under barbed wire and stressing over water.

We got to our first water, a sweet little solar well just as we saw Dan heading out. Now this could have been a day for big easy miles. But then there was water, and umbrella shade and we ended up staying until lunch. Oh well, a lazy morning in the basin is actually pretty nice.

Wild horses

Heading out was ok, cross country then highway 238 and finally a dirt road over a pipeline. There were some good clouds for awhile but it got hot. I was lagging big time and the afternoon dragged. Sandy hot stretches and too much wind ti have my umbrella out. Hello desert hiking, you are kicking my butt.

Walking into the evening I found Rest Stop at another solar well. A nice long break waiting for it to cool down then walking until dark.

A horse and an antelope followed behind us and we walked the endless roads. Man I like Wyoming.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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