Thursday, August 20, 2015

Day 112: Yellowstone

8/11: mile 1956.8-1979.8
Miles: 23
Total trip miles: 1799

Surprise, surprise we get a late start. It's been really hard for me to be motivated when it's 40 degrees. The ankle is not happy, I'm planning on stopping in at the clinic in Yellowstone even though I know what they'll tell me. I hobble through the marshy valley.

I pass the parting of the waters, it's even labeled a national landmark on my map.

Then a hot climb, lots of burned trees mean no shade but at least it's pretty?

Going down was the start of my troubles but I was on a roll. Uneven trail, lots of small rocks and my usual steady gait beyond gone meant an afternoon full of falling on my ass. All that was bruised was my pride but it sure got old quick.

I crash hard and collapse in the shade for lunch. Rest Stop appears and I eventually start hiking again. It gets a little more forested and there are some clouds which is pretty sweet.

We officially enter Yellowstone which is pretty exciting. More southbounders/flippers and a whole mess of creek crossings.

Snake river

Lots of old burn, the trail is uneven and we see no one except fresh bear scat and a few marmots. We simply can't make it to our assigned campsite and finally just stop, we somehow missed 10 miles in our permit math and tjTs definitely causing me to stress. Oh well, tomorrow we get to really see Yellowstone!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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