Sunday, August 2, 2015

Day 92: Into the Prairie

7/22: mile 1551.2-1573.6
Miles: 22.4
Total trip miles: 1403.8

Camping in a campground is pretty nice, very noisy mosquito fogging trucks early in the morning not so much. Atlas peeled out early, he's headed off trail to a wedding this week so our small group just got even smaller.

Rest Stop headed to the post office and I did a few chores. Resupply, breakfast and eventually we wandered down the road towards Highway 70 hoping for a ride back to the pass. A few miles down the road and 30 minutes of hitching had us in the back of a pickup headed for the pass.

Back at Battle Pass we found Cookie Monster, First Man, Chimichanga and Chilton. Our hitch was amazing and turned around and took them all back to town. While we headed off into a thunderstorm.

We hid in the trees for awhile and then just gave up and climbed. It wasn't bad, great temperature and rolling ridge walks in occasional rain are actually pretty sweet.

We dropped out of the trees and entered a whole different world. I'm in love with the prairie and Wyoming.

Bears like trail too.

Post to post ridge walking.

Seriously in love right now. We headed down and finally found a sweet spot. Windy but dry feet and hey I'm in a new state!!!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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